
Capturing Geometric Shapes

  1. Types of street photography
  2. Abstract street photography
  3. Capturing geometric shapes

Geometric shapes are some of the most fundamental components of photography. They provide a sense of structure and order, which can help create interesting compositions. Capturing these shapes can be a challenge, but with the right techniques and knowledge, it can be an incredibly rewarding pursuit. In this article, we will explore different methods for capturing geometric shapes in street photography and discuss how to effectively use them to create abstract images.

Finding Geometric Shapes

When it comes to capturing geometric shapes on in street photography, the key is to look for patterns and forms that repeat throughout the scene. From lines and curves to circles and squares, you can find interesting shapes all around you.

Pay attention to the details and try to find the shapes that the eye may miss. Look for lines in buildings, streets, and bridges – these straight or curved shapes can provide a great backdrop for your street photography. You can also look for circles, such as those created by manhole covers or street lamps. Look for squares, too, like those found on walls and windows. By taking a closer look at the scene, you can find more interesting shapes that will make your photos stand out. You can also look for more abstract shapes, like those created by shadows or reflections.

These shapes can add an interesting element to your photos and can help create a unique composition. By taking a closer look, you can find many more abstract shapes that will add depth and complexity to your street photography.

Paying Attention To Composition

When capturing geometric shapes in street photography, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the image. You should look for balance in the image, as this will help make the geometric shapes stand out in your photos. Use the Rule of Thirds as a guideline when composing your photos – this will help you create an aesthetically pleasing composition.

Additionally, think about how the elements in your image interact with each other. Look for patterns, lines, and shapes that are complementary and draw the viewer's eye to the main subject. It is also helpful to use leading lines when shooting geometric shapes. Leading lines are lines that lead the viewer's eye to the main subject. This can be done by placing lines or shapes in the foreground that draw the viewer's attention towards the main subject in the background.

Lastly, think about how you want to frame your shot – will you be including other elements in the background or creating a sense of depth by blurring out the background?

Using Light

Light can be an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to capturing geometric shapes in street photography. Pay attention to how light interacts with the shapes and objects you're photographing, as it can emphasize the shape and add texture and depth. Look for interesting shadows and highlights that bring out the form and texture of the geometric shapes in your photos. For example, if you're photographing a building with strong lines and a repeating pattern, look for a light that casts a long shadow across the scene, emphasizing the pattern and making it stand out. Try to find a balance between the light and dark, so that the shape is still recognizable even when the shadows are present.

You can also use backlighting to create a halo effect around the shape, or use sidelighting to add more definition and texture to the subject. When photographing geometric shapes in street photography, also look for natural frames or backdrops that create interesting compositions. This could be a window frame, an archway, or even a bridge—all of which can help to draw attention to the shape and lead the viewer's eye around the image.

Creating Shapes With Lines

In addition to finding existing geometric shapes in your street photography, you can also use leading lines to create interesting geometric shapes in your photos. Leading lines are lines that draw the viewer's eye to a certain point in the photo, and can be used to create a sense of depth and movement.

When used strategically, they can also create interesting geometric shapes and patterns. You can use leading lines to draw the viewer's eye around different elements of the scene, creating a shape or pattern as they go. This could be done by framing a subject with lines, or by using leading lines to draw the viewer's eye around a certain area in the frame. Taking your time to look for interesting lines and patterns in a scene is key to capturing interesting geometric shapes in your street photography. You can also use other elements in the scene to create a sense of balance and harmony in your photos. Look for repeating shapes or patterns that can be used to create an interesting composition.

Using elements like light, shadows, and reflections can also help you create dynamic shapes in your photos. Capturing geometric shapes in street photography can be an incredibly rewarding pursuit, allowing you to create unique and memorable images. By understanding the different types of shapes and how they can be used, looking for shapes in the scene, using light effectively, creating shapes with leading lines, and paying attention to composition, you can create stunning abstract images with ease. Street photography is an ever-evolving and diverse art form, and capturing geometric shapes is a great way to add another layer of complexity and interest to your images. With a bit of practice, you can master the techniques needed to take your street photography to the next level.

Jillian White
Jillian White

Photographer & Blogger. Beer enthusiast. Hipster-friendly vegan bacon specialist. Professional coffee lover. Wannabe food evangelist.